

Comments, questions, examples, demonstrations, and/or other contributions are sought from or by learners throughout the lesson.

Definition(s) and/or Explanation(s)

Contributions from or by learners may be solicited by:

  • Discussing and /or demonstrating

  • Structuring small group tasks for learner participation

  • Using wait time to allow learners to think

  • Questioning to draw upon personal learner experiences


Classroom Examples


During a fourth-grade language arts lesson, the learners create higher level critical thinking questions related to the story being read. The learners share their questions to spark a class discussion.


  1. In a twelfth-grade psychology class, while examining the positive and negative effects of peer pressure, the teacher elicits real-life examples from the learners. Small groups are formed and learners choose an example to role play.

  2. In a journalism class, the learners are actively involved in a brainstorming session to generate new topics for the upcoming issue of the school newspaper. The learners contribute ideas for stories, comic strips, and interviews. A list is generated, and each learner selects a topic on which to work.


Elementary and Secondary

When questioning, the teacher asks the learners to rephrase what was said. A learner answers part of the question and then chooses another learner to expand upon the answer. Responses are recorded on an overhead, a board, or a chart, by a third learner.